Module futures_lite::stream

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Combinators for the Stream trait.


use futures_lite::stream::{self, StreamExt};

let mut s = stream::iter(vec![1, 2, 3]);

assert_eq!(, Some(1));
assert_eq!(, Some(2));
assert_eq!(, Some(3));
assert_eq!(, None);


pub use futures_core::stream::Stream;


Future for the StreamExt::all() method.
Future for the StreamExt::any() method.
Iterator for the block_on() function.
Stream for the StreamExt::chain() method.
Stream for the StreamExt::cloned() method.
Future for the StreamExt::collect() method.
Stream for the StreamExt::copied() method.
Future for the StreamExt::count() method.
Stream for the StreamExt::cycle() method.
Stream for the empty() function.
Stream for the StreamExt::cycle() method.
Stream for the StreamExt::filter() method.
Stream for the StreamExt::filter_map() method.
Future for the StreamExt::find() method.
Future for the StreamExt::find_map() method.
Stream for the StreamExt::flat_map() method.
Stream for the StreamExt::flat_map() method.
Future for the StreamExt::fold() method.
Future for the StreamExt::for_each() method.
Stream for the StreamExt::fuse() method.
Stream for the StreamExt::inspect() method.
Stream for the iter() function.
Future for the StreamExt::last() method.
Stream for the StreamExt::map() method.
Future for the StreamExt::next() method.
Future for the StreamExt::nth() method.
Stream for the once() function.
Stream for the or() function and the StreamExt::or() method.
Stream for the pending() function.
Stream for the poll_fn() function.
Stream for the race() function and the StreamExt::race() method.
Stream for the repeat() function.
Stream for the repeat_with() function.
Stream for the StreamExt::scan() method.
Stream for the StreamExt::skip() method.
Stream for the StreamExt::skip_while() method.
Stream for the StreamExt::step_by() method.
Stream for the StreamExt::take() method.
Stream for the StreamExt::take_while() method.
Stream for the StreamExt::then() method.
Future for the StreamExt::try_fold() method.
Future for the StreamExt::try_next() method.
Stream for the try_unfold() function.
Stream for the unfold() function.
Future for the StreamExt::unzip() method.
Stream for the StreamExt::zip() method.


Extension trait for Stream.


Converts a stream into a blocking iterator.
Creates an empty stream.
Creates a stream from an iterator.
Creates a stream that yields a single item.
Merges two streams, preferring items from stream1 whenever both streams are ready.
Creates a stream that is always pending.
Creates a stream from a function returning Poll.
Merges two streams, with no preference for either stream when both are ready.
Creates an infinite stream that yields the same item repeatedly.
Creates an infinite stream from a closure that generates items.
Creates a stream from a seed value and a fallible async closure operating on it.
Creates a stream from a seed value and an async closure operating on it.

Type Definitions

Type alias for Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = T> + Send + 'static>>.
Type alias for Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = T> + 'static>>.