Struct blocking::Unblock

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pub struct Unblock<T> { /* private fields */ }
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Runs blocking I/O on a thread pool.

Blocking I/O must be isolated from async code. This type moves blocking I/O operations onto a special thread pool while exposing a familiar async interface.

This type implements traits Stream, AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, or AsyncSeek if the inner type implements Iterator, Read, Write, or Seek, respectively.


Unblock is a low-level primitive, and as such it comes with some caveats.

For higher-level primitives built on top of Unblock, look into async-fs or async-process (on Windows).

Unblock communicates with I/O operations on the thread pool through a pipe. That means an async read/write operation simply receives/sends some bytes from/into the pipe. When in reading mode, the thread pool reads bytes from the I/O handle and forwards them into the pipe until it becomes full. When in writing mode, the thread pool reads bytes from the pipe and forwards them into the I/O handle.

Use Unblock::with_capacity() to configure the capacity of the pipe.


If you create an Unblock<Stdin>, read some bytes from it, and then drop it, a blocked read operation may keep hanging on the thread pool. The next attempt to read from stdin will lose bytes read by the hanging operation. This is a difficult problem to solve, so make sure you only use a single stdin handle for the duration of the entire program.


If writing data through the AsyncWrite trait, make sure to flush before dropping the Unblock handle or some buffered data might get lost.


Because of buffering in the pipe, if Unblock wraps a File, a single read operation may move the file cursor farther than is the span of the operation. In fact, reading just keeps going in the background until the pipe gets full. Keep this mind when using AsyncSeek with relative offsets.


use blocking::Unblock;
use futures_lite::prelude::*;

let mut stdout = Unblock::new(std::io::stdout());
stdout.write_all(b"Hello world!").await?;


Wraps a blocking I/O handle into the async Unblock interface.

use blocking::Unblock;

let stdin = Unblock::new(std::io::stdin());

Wraps a blocking I/O handle into the async Unblock interface with a custom buffer capacity.

When communicating with the inner Stream/Read/Write type from async code, data transferred between blocking and async code goes through a buffer of limited capacity. This constructor configures that capacity.

The default capacity is:

use blocking::Unblock;

let stdout = Unblock::with_capacity(64 * 1024, std::io::stdout());

Gets a mutable reference to the blocking I/O handle.

This is an async method because the I/O handle might be on the thread pool and needs to be moved onto the current thread before we can get a reference to it.

use blocking::{unblock, Unblock};
use std::fs::File;

let file = unblock(|| File::create("file.txt")).await?;
let mut file = Unblock::new(file);

let metadata = file.get_mut().await.metadata()?;

Performs a blocking operation on the I/O handle.

use blocking::{unblock, Unblock};
use std::fs::File;

let file = unblock(|| File::create("file.txt")).await?;
let mut file = Unblock::new(file);

let metadata = file.with_mut(|f| f.metadata()).await?;

Extracts the inner blocking I/O handle.

This is an async method because the I/O handle might be on the thread pool and needs to be moved onto the current thread before we can extract it.

use blocking::{unblock, Unblock};
use futures_lite::prelude::*;
use std::fs::File;

let file = unblock(|| File::create("file.txt")).await?;
let file = Unblock::new(file);

let file = file.into_inner().await;

Trait Implementations§

Attempt to read from the AsyncRead into buf. Read more
Attempt to read from the AsyncRead into bufs using vectored IO operations. Read more
Attempt to seek to an offset, in bytes, in a stream. Read more
Attempt to write bytes from buf into the object. Read more
Attempt to flush the object, ensuring that any buffered data reach their destination. Read more
Attempt to close the object. Read more
Attempt to write bytes from bufs into the object using vectored IO operations. Read more
Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more
Values yielded by the stream.
Attempt to pull out the next value of this stream, registering the current task for wakeup if the value is not yet available, and returning None if the stream is exhausted. Read more
Returns the bounds on the remaining length of the stream. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more
Reads some bytes from the byte stream. Read more
Like read(), except it reads into a slice of buffers. Read more
Reads the entire contents and appends them to a Vec. Read more
Reads the entire contents and appends them to a String. Read more
Reads the exact number of bytes required to fill buf. Read more
Creates an adapter which will read at most limit bytes from it. Read more
Converts this AsyncRead into a Stream of bytes. Read more
Creates an adapter which will chain this stream with another. Read more
Boxes the reader and changes its type to dyn AsyncRead + Send + 'a. Read more
Seeks to a new position in a byte stream. Read more
Writes some bytes into the byte stream. Read more
Like write(), except that it writes a slice of buffers. Read more
Writes an entire buffer into the byte stream. Read more
Flushes the stream to ensure that all buffered contents reach their destination. Read more
Closes the writer. Read more
Boxes the writer and changes its type to dyn AsyncWrite + Send + 'a. Read more
Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more
Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Returns the argument unchanged.

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.

A convenience for calling Stream::poll_next() on !Unpin types.
Retrieves the next item in the stream. Read more
Retrieves the next item in the stream. Read more
Counts the number of items in the stream. Read more
Maps items of the stream to new values using a closure. Read more
Maps items to streams and then concatenates them. Read more
Concatenates inner streams. Read more
Maps items of the stream to new values using an async closure. Read more
Keeps items of the stream for which predicate returns true. Read more
Filters and maps items of the stream using a closure. Read more
Takes only the first n items of the stream. Read more
Takes items while predicate returns true. Read more
Skips the first n items of the stream. Read more
Skips items while predicate returns true. Read more
Yields every stepth item. Read more
Appends another stream to the end of this one. Read more
Clones all items. Read more
Copies all items. Read more
Collects all items in the stream into a collection. Read more
Collects all items in the fallible stream into a collection. Read more
Partitions items into those for which predicate is true and those for which it is false, and then collects them into two collections. Read more
Accumulates a computation over the stream. Read more
Accumulates a fallible computation over the stream. Read more
Maps items of the stream to new values using a state value and a closure. Read more
Fuses the stream so that it stops yielding items after the first None. Read more
Repeats the stream from beginning to end, forever. Read more
Enumerates items, mapping them to (index, item). Read more
Calls a closure on each item and passes it on. Read more
Gets the nth item of the stream. Read more
Returns the last item in the stream. Read more
Finds the first item of the stream for which predicate returns true. Read more
Applies a closure to items in the stream and returns the first Some result. Read more
Finds the index of the first item of the stream for which predicate returns true. Read more
Tests if predicate returns true for all items in the stream. Read more
Tests if predicate returns true for any item in the stream. Read more
Calls a closure on each item of the stream. Read more
Calls a fallible closure on each item of the stream, stopping on first error. Read more
Zips up two streams into a single stream of pairs. Read more
Collects a stream of pairs into a pair of collections. Read more
Merges with other stream, preferring items from self whenever both streams are ready. Read more
Merges with other stream, with no preference for either stream when both are ready. Read more
Boxes the stream and changes its type to dyn Stream + Send + 'a. Read more
Boxes the stream and changes its type to dyn Stream + 'a. Read more
The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
Performs the conversion.
The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
Performs the conversion.
The type of successful values yielded by this future
The type of failures yielded by this future
Poll this TryStream as if it were a Stream. Read more