pub trait Mutate<AccountId, AssetId, BlockNumber> {
    type Error;
    type AmmPoolId;
    type Balance;
    type Period;
    type LoyaltyCurve;

Show 15 methods fn create_global_farm(
        total_rewards: Self::Balance,
        planned_yielding_periods: Self::Period,
        blocks_per_period: BlockNumber,
        incentivized_asset: AssetId,
        reward_currency: AssetId,
        owner: AccountId,
        yield_per_period: Perquintill,
        min_deposit: Self::Balance,
        price_adjustment: FixedU128
    ) -> Result<(YieldFarmId, Self::Balance), Self::Error>; fn create_global_farm_without_price_adjustment(
        total_rewards: Self::Balance,
        planned_yielding_periods: Self::Period,
        blocks_per_period: BlockNumber,
        incentivized_asset: AssetId,
        reward_currency: AssetId,
        owner: AccountId,
        yield_per_period: Perquintill,
        min_deposit: Self::Balance
    ) -> Result<(YieldFarmId, Self::Balance), Self::Error>; fn update_global_farm_price_adjustment(
        who: AccountId,
        global_farm_id: GlobalFarmId,
        price_adjustment: FixedU128
    ) -> Result<(), Self::Error>; fn terminate_global_farm(
        who: AccountId,
        global_farm_id: GlobalFarmId
    ) -> Result<(AssetId, Self::Balance, AccountId), Self::Error>; fn create_yield_farm(
        who: AccountId,
        global_farm_id: GlobalFarmId,
        multiplier: FixedU128,
        loyalty_curve: Option<Self::LoyaltyCurve>,
        amm_pool_id: Self::AmmPoolId,
        assets: Vec<AssetId>
    ) -> Result<YieldFarmId, Self::Error>; fn update_yield_farm_multiplier(
        who: AccountId,
        global_farm_id: GlobalFarmId,
        amm_pool_id: Self::AmmPoolId,
        multiplier: FixedU128
    ) -> Result<YieldFarmId, Self::Error>; fn stop_yield_farm(
        who: AccountId,
        global_farm_id: GlobalFarmId,
        amm_pool_id: Self::AmmPoolId
    ) -> Result<YieldFarmId, Self::Error>; fn resume_yield_farm(
        who: AccountId,
        global_farm_id: GlobalFarmId,
        yield_farm_id: YieldFarmId,
        amm_pool_id: Self::AmmPoolId,
        multiplier: FixedU128
    ) -> Result<(), Self::Error>; fn terminate_yield_farm(
        who: AccountId,
        global_farm_id: GlobalFarmId,
        yield_farm_id: YieldFarmId,
        amm_pool_id: Self::AmmPoolId
    ) -> Result<(), Self::Error>; fn deposit_lp_shares<F: Fn(AssetId, Self::AmmPoolId, Self::Balance) -> Result<Self::Balance, Self::Error>>(
        global_farm_id: GlobalFarmId,
        yield_farm_id: YieldFarmId,
        amm_pool_id: Self::AmmPoolId,
        shares_amount: Self::Balance,
        get_token_value_of_lp_shares: F
    ) -> Result<DepositId, Self::Error>; fn redeposit_lp_shares<F: Fn(AssetId, Self::AmmPoolId, Self::Balance) -> Result<Self::Balance, Self::Error>>(
        global_farm_id: GlobalFarmId,
        yield_farm_id: YieldFarmId,
        deposit_id: DepositId,
        get_token_value_of_lp_shares: F
    ) -> Result<(Self::Balance, Self::AmmPoolId), Self::Error>; fn claim_rewards(
        who: AccountId,
        deposit_id: DepositId,
        yield_farm_id: YieldFarmId
    ) -> Result<(GlobalFarmId, AssetId, Self::Balance, Self::Balance), Self::Error>; fn withdraw_lp_shares(
        who: AccountId,
        deposit_id: DepositId,
        global_farm_id: GlobalFarmId,
        yield_farm_id: YieldFarmId,
        amm_pool_id: Self::AmmPoolId
    ) -> Result<(Self::Balance, Option<(AssetId, Self::Balance, Self::Balance)>, bool), Self::Error>; fn is_yield_farm_claimable(
        global_farm_id: GlobalFarmId,
        yield_farm_id: YieldFarmId,
        amm_pool_id: Self::AmmPoolId
    ) -> bool; fn get_global_farm_id(
        deposit_id: DepositId,
        yield_farm_id: YieldFarmId
    ) -> Option<u32>;
Expand description

Trait for providing interface for liquidity mining.

Required Associated Types§

Required Methods§

Create new global farm.

Returns: (GlobalFarmId, max reward per period)

Create new global farm without price_adjustment.

Returns: (GlobalFarmId, max reward per period)

Update price adjustment of the existing global farm.

Terminate existing global farm.

Returns: (reward currency, undistributed rewards, destination account)

Crate new yield farm in the global farm.

Returns: (YieldFarmId)

Update multiplier of the existing yield farm.

Returns: (YieldFarmId)

Stop yield farming for amm pool in the global farm.

Returns: (YieldFarmId)

Resume yield farming for amm pool in the global farm.

Terminate existing yield farm.

Deposit new LP shares.

Returns: (DepositId)

Redeposit already locked LP shares to another yield farm.

Returns: (redeposited LP shares amount, amm pool id)

Claim rewards for given deposit.

Returns: (GlobalFarmId, reward currency, claimed amount, unclaimable amount)

Withdraw LP shares from yield farm. Function attempts to claim rewards for who if farm is claimable.

Returns: (withdrawn amount, Option<(reward currency, claimed amount, unclaimable amount>, true if deposit was destroyed)

Returns true if rewards claiming from yield farm is possible.

Returns Some(global_farm_id) for given deposit_id and yield_farm_id or None.
