pub struct Parser { /* private fields */ }
Expand description

An incremental parser of a binary WebAssembly module or component.

This type is intended to be used to incrementally parse a WebAssembly module or component as bytes become available for the module. This can also be used to parse modules or components that are already entirely resident within memory.

This primary function for a parser is the Parser::parse function which will incrementally consume input. You can also use the Parser::parse_all function to parse a module or component that is entirely resident in memory.


Creates a new parser.

Reports errors and ranges relative to offset provided, where offset is some logical offset within the input stream that we’re parsing.

Attempts to parse a chunk of data.

This method will attempt to parse the next incremental portion of a WebAssembly binary. Data available for the module or component is provided as data, and the data can be incomplete if more data has yet to arrive. The eof flag indicates whether more data will ever be received.

There are two ways parsing can succeed with this method:

  • Chunk::NeedMoreData - this indicates that there is not enough bytes in data to parse a payload. The caller needs to wait for more data to be available in this situation before calling this method again. It is guaranteed that this is only returned if eof is false.

  • Chunk::Parsed - this indicates that a chunk of the input was successfully parsed. The payload is available in this variant of what was parsed, and this also indicates how many bytes of data was consumed. It’s expected that the caller will not provide these bytes back to the Parser again.

Note that all Chunk return values are connected, with a lifetime, to the input buffer. Each parsed chunk borrows the input buffer and is a view into it for successfully parsed chunks.

It is expected that you’ll call this method until Payload::End is reached, at which point you’re guaranteed that the parse has completed. Note that complete parsing, for the top-level module or component, implies that data is empty and eof is true.


Parse errors are returned as an Err. Errors can happen when the structure of the data is unexpected or if sections are too large for example. Note that errors are not returned for malformed contents of sections here. Sections are generally not individually parsed and each returned Payload needs to be iterated over further to detect all errors.


An example of reading a wasm file from a stream (std::io::Read) and incrementally parsing it.

use std::io::Read;
use anyhow::Result;
use wasmparser::{Parser, Chunk, Payload::*};

fn parse(mut reader: impl Read) -> Result<()> {
    let mut buf = Vec::new();
    let mut parser = Parser::new(0);
    let mut eof = false;
    let mut stack = Vec::new();

    loop {
        let (payload, consumed) = match parser.parse(&buf, eof)? {
            Chunk::NeedMoreData(hint) => {
                assert!(!eof); // otherwise an error would be returned

                // Use the hint to preallocate more space, then read
                // some more data into our buffer.
                // Note that the buffer management here is not ideal,
                // but it's compact enough to fit in an example!
                let len = buf.len();
                buf.extend((0..hint).map(|_| 0u8));
                let n = buf[len..])?;
                buf.truncate(len + n);
                eof = n == 0;

            Chunk::Parsed { consumed, payload } => (payload, consumed),

        match payload {
            // Sections for WebAssembly modules
            Version { .. } => { /* ... */ }
            TypeSection(_) => { /* ... */ }
            ImportSection(_) => { /* ... */ }
            FunctionSection(_) => { /* ... */ }
            TableSection(_) => { /* ... */ }
            MemorySection(_) => { /* ... */ }
            TagSection(_) => { /* ... */ }
            GlobalSection(_) => { /* ... */ }
            ExportSection(_) => { /* ... */ }
            StartSection { .. } => { /* ... */ }
            ElementSection(_) => { /* ... */ }
            DataCountSection { .. } => { /* ... */ }
            DataSection(_) => { /* ... */ }

            // Here we know how many functions we'll be receiving as
            // `CodeSectionEntry`, so we can prepare for that, and
            // afterwards we can parse and handle each function
            // individually.
            CodeSectionStart { .. } => { /* ... */ }
            CodeSectionEntry(body) => {
                // here we can iterate over `body` to parse the function
                // and its locals

            // Sections for WebAssembly components
            ComponentTypeSection(_) => { /* ... */ }
            ComponentImportSection(_) => { /* ... */ }
            ComponentFunctionSection(_) => { /* ... */ }
            ModuleSection { .. } => { /* ... */ }
            ComponentSection { .. } => { /* ... */ }
            InstanceSection(_) => { /* ... */ }
            ComponentExportSection(_) => { /* ... */ }
            ComponentStartSection { .. } => { /* ... */ }
            AliasSection(_) => { /* ... */ }

            CustomSection(_) => { /* ... */ }

            // most likely you'd return an error here
            UnknownSection { id, .. } => { /* ... */ }

            // Once we've reached the end of a parser we either resume
            // at the parent parser or we break out of the loop because
            // we're done.
            End(_) => {
                if let Some(parent_parser) = stack.pop() {
                    parser = parent_parser;
                } else {

        // once we're done processing the payload we can forget the
        // original.


Convenience function that can be used to parse a module or component that is entirely resident in memory.

This function will parse the data provided as a WebAssembly module or component.

Note that when this function yields sections that provide parsers, no further action is required for those sections as payloads from those parsers will be automatically returned.

Skip parsing the code section entirely.

This function can be used to indicate, after receiving CodeSectionStart, that the section will not be parsed.

The caller will be responsible for skipping size bytes (found in the CodeSectionStart payload). Bytes should only be fed into parse after the size bytes have been skipped.


This function will panic if the parser is not in a state where it’s parsing the code section.

use wasmparser::{Result, Parser, Chunk, SectionReader, Payload::*};
use std::ops::Range;

fn objdump_headers(mut wasm: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
    let mut parser = Parser::new(0);
    loop {
        let payload = match parser.parse(wasm, true)? {
            Chunk::Parsed { consumed, payload } => {
                wasm = &wasm[consumed..];
            // this state isn't possible with `eof = true`
            Chunk::NeedMoreData(_) => unreachable!(),
        match payload {
            TypeSection(s) => print_range("type section", &s.range()),
            ImportSection(s) => print_range("import section", &s.range()),
            // .. other sections

            // Print the range of the code section we see, but don't
            // actually iterate over each individual function.
            CodeSectionStart { range, size, .. } => {
                print_range("code section", &range);
                wasm = &wasm[size as usize..];
            End(_) => break,
            _ => {}

fn print_range(section: &str, range: &Range<usize>) {
    println!("{:>40}: {:#010x} - {:#010x}", section, range.start, range.end);

Trait Implementations§

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more
Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more
Returns the “default value” for a type. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more
Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more
Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Returns the argument unchanged.

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.
Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more
Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more
The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
Performs the conversion.
The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
Performs the conversion.