pub async fn start_slot_worker<B, C, W, SO, CIDP, CAW, Proof>(
    slot_duration: SlotDuration,
    client: C,
    worker: W,
    sync_oracle: SO,
    create_inherent_data_providers: CIDP,
    can_author_with: CAW
    B: BlockT,
    C: SelectChain<B>,
    W: SlotWorker<B, Proof>,
    SO: SyncOracle + Send,
    CIDP: CreateInherentDataProviders<B, ()> + Send,
    CIDP::InherentDataProviders: InherentDataProviderExt + Send,
    CAW: CanAuthorWith<B> + Send,
Expand description

Start a new slot worker.

Every time a new slot is triggered, worker.on_slot is called and the future it returns is polled until completion, unless we are major syncing.