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The relay-chain provided consensus algorithm for parachains.

This is the simplest consensus algorithm you can use when developing a parachain. It is a permission-less consensus algorithm that doesn’t require any staking or similar to join as a collator. In this algorithm the consensus is provided by the relay-chain. This works in the following way.

  1. Each node that sees itself as a collator is free to build a parachain candidate.

  2. This parachain candidate is send to the parachain validators that are part of the relay chain.

  3. The parachain validators validate at most X different parachain candidates, where X is the total number of parachain validators.

  4. The parachain candidate that is backed by the most validators is chosen by the relay-chain block producer to be added as backed candidate on chain.

  5. After the parachain candidate got backed and included, all collators start at 1.


The implementation of the relay-chain provided consensus for parachains.
A verifier that just checks the inherents.


Start an import queue for a Cumulus collator that does not uses any special authoring logic.