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Network protocol types for parachains.


Accessing authority discovery service Authority discovery service interfacing.
Grid topology support module Grid topology support implementation The basic operation of the 2D grid topology is that:
Peer-sets and protocols used for parachains. All peersets and protocols used for parachains.
Request/response protocols used in Polkadot. Overview over request/responses as used in Polkadot.
v1 notification protocol types.


Construct a new OurView with the given chain heads, finalized number 0 and disabled jaeger::Span’s.
Construct a new view with the given chain heads and finalized number 0.


Specialized wrapper around View.
Identifier of a peer of the network.
Description of a reputation adjustment for a node.
A succinct representation of a peer’s view. This consists of a bounded amount of chain heads and the highest known finalized block number.
An error indicating that this the over-arching message type had the wrong variant


When sending a request, what to do on a disconnected recipient.
The advertised role of a node.
Unified annoyance cost and good behavior benefits.
A protocol-versioned type.


The minimum amount of peers to send gossip messages to.

Type Definitions

Version-annotated messages used by the approval distribution subsystem.
Version-annotated messages used by the bitfield distribution subsystem.
Version-annotated messages used by the bitfield distribution subsystem.
Version-annotated messages used by the gossip-support subsystem (this is void).
Version-annotated messages used by the statement distribution subsystem.
All supported versions of the collation protocol message.
All supported versions of the validation protocol message.