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// Copyright 2022 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Polkadot.
// Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Polkadot. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! XCM configuration for Polkadot.
use super::{
parachains_origin, AccountId, Balances, Call, CouncilCollective, Event, Origin, ParaId,
Runtime, WeightToFee, XcmPallet,
use frame_support::{
match_types, parameter_types,
traits::{Everything, Nothing},
use runtime_common::{xcm_sender, ToAuthor};
use xcm::latest::prelude::*;
use xcm_builder::{
AccountId32Aliases, AllowKnownQueryResponses, AllowSubscriptionsFrom,
AllowTopLevelPaidExecutionFrom, BackingToPlurality, ChildParachainAsNative,
ChildParachainConvertsVia, CurrencyAdapter as XcmCurrencyAdapter, FixedWeightBounds,
IsConcrete, LocationInverter, SignedAccountId32AsNative, SignedToAccountId32,
SovereignSignedViaLocation, TakeWeightCredit, UsingComponents,
parameter_types! {
/// The location of the DOT token, from the context of this chain. Since this token is native to this
/// chain, we make it synonymous with it and thus it is the `Here` location, which means "equivalent to
/// the context".
pub const DotLocation: MultiLocation = Here.into();
/// The Polkadot network ID. This is named.
pub const PolkadotNetwork: NetworkId = NetworkId::Polkadot;
/// Our XCM location ancestry - i.e. what, if anything, `Parent` means evaluated in our context. Since
/// Polkadot is a top-level relay-chain, there is no ancestry.
pub const Ancestry: MultiLocation = Here.into();
/// The check account, which holds any native assets that have been teleported out and not back in (yet).
pub CheckAccount: AccountId = XcmPallet::check_account();
/// The canonical means of converting a `MultiLocation` into an `AccountId`, used when we want to determine
/// the sovereign account controlled by a location.
pub type SovereignAccountOf = (
// We can convert a child parachain using the standard `AccountId` conversion.
ChildParachainConvertsVia<ParaId, AccountId>,
// We can directly alias an `AccountId32` into a local account.
AccountId32Aliases<PolkadotNetwork, AccountId>,
/// Our asset transactor. This is what allows us to interact with the runtime assets from the point of
/// view of XCM-only concepts like `MultiLocation` and `MultiAsset`.
/// Ours is only aware of the Balances pallet, which is mapped to `DotLocation`.
pub type LocalAssetTransactor = XcmCurrencyAdapter<
// Use this currency:
// Use this currency when it is a fungible asset matching the given location or name:
// We can convert the MultiLocations with our converter above:
// Our chain's account ID type (we can't get away without mentioning it explicitly):
// We track our teleports in/out to keep total issuance correct.
/// The means that we convert an XCM origin `MultiLocation` into the runtime's `Origin` type for
/// local dispatch. This is a conversion function from an `OriginKind` type along with the
/// `MultiLocation` value and returns an `Origin` value or an error.
type LocalOriginConverter = (
// If the origin kind is `Sovereign`, then return a `Signed` origin with the account determined
// by the `SovereignAccountOf` converter.
SovereignSignedViaLocation<SovereignAccountOf, Origin>,
// If the origin kind is `Native` and the XCM origin is a child parachain, then we can express
// it with the special `parachains_origin::Origin` origin variant.
ChildParachainAsNative<parachains_origin::Origin, Origin>,
// If the origin kind is `Native` and the XCM origin is the `AccountId32` location, then it can
// be expressed using the `Signed` origin variant.
SignedAccountId32AsNative<PolkadotNetwork, Origin>,
parameter_types! {
/// The amount of weight an XCM operation takes. This is a safe overestimate.
pub const BaseXcmWeight: u64 = 1_000_000_000;
/// Maximum number of instructions in a single XCM fragment. A sanity check against weight
/// calculations getting too crazy.
pub const MaxInstructions: u32 = 100;
/// The XCM router. When we want to send an XCM message, we use this type. It amalgamates all of our
/// individual routers.
pub type XcmRouter = (
// Only one router so far - use DMP to communicate with child parachains.
xcm_sender::ChildParachainRouter<Runtime, XcmPallet>,
parameter_types! {
pub const Polkadot: MultiAssetFilter = Wild(AllOf { fun: WildFungible, id: Concrete(DotLocation::get()) });
pub const PolkadotForStatemint: (MultiAssetFilter, MultiLocation) = (Polkadot::get(), Parachain(1000).into());
/// Polkadot Relay recognizes/respects the Statemint chain as a teleporter.
pub type TrustedTeleporters = (xcm_builder::Case<PolkadotForStatemint>,);
match_types! {
pub type OnlyParachains: impl Contains<MultiLocation> = {
MultiLocation { parents: 0, interior: X1(Parachain(_)) }
/// The barriers one of which must be passed for an XCM message to be executed.
pub type Barrier = (
// Weight that is paid for may be consumed.
// If the message is one that immediately attemps to pay for execution, then allow it.
// Expected responses are OK.
// Subscriptions for version tracking are OK.
pub struct XcmConfig;
impl xcm_executor::Config for XcmConfig {
type Call = Call;
type XcmSender = XcmRouter;
type AssetTransactor = LocalAssetTransactor;
type OriginConverter = LocalOriginConverter;
// Polkadot Relay recognises no chains which act as reserves.
type IsReserve = ();
type IsTeleporter = TrustedTeleporters;
type LocationInverter = LocationInverter<Ancestry>;
type Barrier = Barrier;
type Weigher = FixedWeightBounds<BaseXcmWeight, Call, MaxInstructions>;
// The weight trader piggybacks on the existing transaction-fee conversion logic.
type Trader = UsingComponents<WeightToFee, DotLocation, AccountId, Balances, ToAuthor<Runtime>>;
type ResponseHandler = XcmPallet;
type AssetTrap = XcmPallet;
type AssetClaims = XcmPallet;
type SubscriptionService = XcmPallet;
parameter_types! {
pub const CouncilBodyId: BodyId = BodyId::Executive;
// We are conservative with the XCM version we advertize.
pub const AdvertisedXcmVersion: u32 = 2;
/// Type to convert a council origin to a Plurality `MultiLocation` value.
pub type CouncilToPlurality = BackingToPlurality<
pallet_collective::Origin<Runtime, CouncilCollective>,
/// Type to convert an `Origin` type value into a `MultiLocation` value which represents an interior location
/// of this chain.
pub type LocalOriginToLocation = (
// We allow an origin from the Collective pallet to be used in XCM as a corresponding Plurality of the
// `Unit` body.
// And a usual Signed origin to be used in XCM as a corresponding AccountId32
SignedToAccountId32<Origin, AccountId, PolkadotNetwork>,
impl pallet_xcm::Config for Runtime {
type Event = Event;
// Only allow the council to send messages.
type SendXcmOrigin = xcm_builder::EnsureXcmOrigin<Origin, CouncilToPlurality>;
type XcmRouter = XcmRouter;
// Anyone can execute XCM messages locally...
type ExecuteXcmOrigin = xcm_builder::EnsureXcmOrigin<Origin, LocalOriginToLocation>;
// ...but they must match our filter, which rejects all.
type XcmExecuteFilter = Nothing; // == Deny All
type XcmExecutor = xcm_executor::XcmExecutor<XcmConfig>;
type XcmTeleportFilter = Everything; // == Allow All
type XcmReserveTransferFilter = Everything; // == Allow All
type Weigher = FixedWeightBounds<BaseXcmWeight, Call, MaxInstructions>;
type LocationInverter = LocationInverter<Ancestry>;
type Origin = Origin;
type Call = Call;
type AdvertisedXcmVersion = AdvertisedXcmVersion;